Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Fleets Are Ordered

Well, I ordered my starter fleets and they should be here by Friday.  Dewayne's World always has it by Friday.  Anyway, what fleets did I choose and why?

I was having a hard time deciding on which fleet I wanted to play.  I know little to nothing about the fluff other than what is on the Firestorm Armada Website and that isn't a lot.  So I just started looking at the ships and trying to decide which ones I liked the look of.  I narrowed it down to the Rense System Navy, Dindrenzi Federation, and the Sorylian Collective in that order.  I also knew that I was going to get two starter fleets so I could basically demo the game for my friends or force my wife to play when she feels sorry for me.  So for the looks, I had my top three.

Then I began researching on the Spartan Games website a little and noticed that they did not have a RSN starter fleet.  Bummer.  Maybe I could just piece a fleet together.  The other two factions, on the other hand, both had starter fleet boxes available.  I decided that I was probably going to go with Dindrenzi and Sorylian.

After I narrowed it down to these two, I wanted to find out more about how they played to ensure I would enjoy their play styles and that they would be interesting in combat against each other.  So I went to The Black Ocean and read their Fleet Guide for new players.  As luck would have it, both the Dindrenzi and the Sorylian fleets looked to be two styles of play that I would enjoy.  Bore-sight railguns versus massive broadsides seems like it will force a lot of strategy during the movement phases.  Alright, sold.

After writing about my decision-making process, it probably seems like it only took me an hour or so to make a decision.  I think it took about two days.  I'm very phobic of buyer's remorse, I guess.  So that's how I made my decisions.  How did you come to play the fleet you play?  What was the deciding factor?


  1. Phobic of buyer's remorse? I'm pretty much numb to it by now.

    1. No kidding. Games Workshop has definitely helped to numb me to it for the most part.

  2. I ordered my fleet! Terran Alliance, baby!

    1. Oh nice! Let me know how it looks when you get it.
